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उत्तराखंडी ई-पत्रिका

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

History of Pratapnagar: the town founded by Tehri King Pratap Shah

 History of Garhwal, Kumaon and Haridwar (Uttarakhand)

                                    Bhishma Kukreti

              King Pratap Shah of Panwar dynasty was coroneted for Tehri kingdom in 1872 after death of his father King Bhavani Shah.  Pratap Shah was born in 1851. Pratap Shah of Tehri Kingdom expired in 1886.

  Pratap Shah founded primary school in Tehri that became college in later years.

  Tehri the capital of Shah Dynasty (after losing Pauri Garhwal/British Garhwal) was hot and humid as it was at the bank of confluence of Bhilangana and Bhagirathi at 2000 Feet height from sea. There was hot season in summer in Tehri.

   British founded new township in hills as Almora, Ranikhet, Nainital, Pauri, Mussoorie etc.

  Pratap Shah also founded a new township in his rule in Tehri Riyasat as British officers did. Tehri King Pratap Shah founded Pratap Nagar Township in 1877. Pratapnagar was nine miles far from Old Tehri. The height of Pratapnagar is 7000 feet from sea level.  When the township was founded in a plain plate, the area was densely covered by rhododendron, Kafal and oak trees. The place was suitable for summer capital of Tehri Riyasat.

  Pratap shah built palace building, court building, treasury building and houses for state employees. The Tehri Garhwal King Pratap Shah strengthened the Jhula Bridge on Bhilangana for easy reach to Pratapnagar.  From that time it was easy for horses to walk on Jhula Bridge of Bhilangana.

  Pratap Shah constructed a road (though Kacchi) from Tehri to Pratapnagar.
  Pratap Shah constructed Gardens and arranged cultivation for apples and other fruits.  The King constructed water canal for those gardens too.    

  Pratap Nagar was summer capital of Tehri Riyasat and Tehri was capital for winter season.  

                       Loot of State Properties in Pratapnagar in 1887-1888

           After death of Pratap Shah in 1887, there was loot of state owned cash and precious materials from palace of Pratap Nagar.  

  King Kirti Shah the son of Pratap Shah repaired Tehri-Pratapnagar Road and made it wider.
King Kirti Shah established ‘Chief Court’ in the Court building in Pratap Nagar.

King Kirti Shah arranged police system in Pratapnagar for looking after law and order of Pratapnagar.  
 Narendra Shah established sub division administration centers as Tehri, Pratapnagar, Kirtinagar, Narendranagar and Ravain. The administrative head of these subdivisions were called S.D.O.

  In 1930, Pratapnagar was a Pargana of Tehri Riyasat and there were 7 Pattis and 182 villages under Pratapnagar Pargana. The population of Pratapnagar Pargana was 36’709. The total agriculture land in Pratapnagar Pargana was 12502 Acres.  In this year the Tehri Riyasat got revenues for Rs 32137 and twelve anas.  The head of Pargana was called supervisor equal to ‘Girdawar Kanungo’ of British Garhwal
 The forest of Pratapnagar was reserved for kings only.

By 1951, there were 87 primary schools in Pratapnagar Pargana.
There was state Dak Bungalow in Pratapnagar in 1940

Dr Shiv Prasad Dabral Uttarakhand ka Itihas part 6
Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti, 5/6/2013
History of Garhwal, Kumaon and Haridwar (Uttarakhand); History of Tehri Garhwal, Kumaon and Haridwar (Uttarakhand); History of Uttarkashi , Tihri Garhwal, (Uttarakhand); History of Ravain, Tehri Garhwal,  (Uttarakhand); History of Udayapur, Tehri Garhwal, (Uttarakhand); History of Chilla, Tehri Garhwal, (Uttarakhand); History of Bhilang, Tehri Garhwal, (Uttarakhand); History of Bhardar, Tehri Garhwal, (Uttarakhand); History of Chandravadni, Tehri Garhwal, (Uttarakhand); History of Narnedranagar, Tehri Garhwal, (Uttarakhand); History of Kirtinagar, Tehri Garhwal, (Uttarakhand) to be continued…

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