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उत्तराखंडी ई-पत्रिका

उत्तराखंडी ई-पत्रिका

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Arjun-Vasudatta Love Saga in Pando Dance

Arjun-Vasudatta Love Saga in Pando Dance

(Garhwali Folk Dance-Songs, Kumauni Folk Dance-Songs, Himalayan Folk Dance-Songs)

                   Bhishm Kukreti
           There is very popular story of Pando dance narrated by das/Aujees. The story is Arjun-Vasudatta love story. Arjun is sleeping with his queesn Draupadi and in dream he sees the daughter of nag that is Vasudtta.
 After awakening Arjun goes to Naglok, kills hurdling animals and meets Vasudatta.  Vasudatta is very beautiful girl and she also fell in love with Arjun. She keeps Arjun there and makes love.
     Here, after three days, when Draupadi awakes, she does not find Arjun. She goes to mother Kunti to get help but Kunti acuses Draupadi for killing Arjun by her. Draupadi is in dialema and a parrot tells her that Arjun is alive and is in love with vasudatta  . Listening good news  Draupadi becomes happy but by listening the love between Vasudatta and her husband Arjun, Draupadi feels envy too.
  Vasudatta –Arjun story is a very good woven story with varieties of emotions in each line.

पंडो नृत्य में अर्जुन वासुदत्ता प्रेमगाथा

द्रोपती अर्जुन सेयाँ छया
रातुड़ी होयें थोडं स्वीणा ऐन भौत
सुपिना मा देखद अर्जुन
बाळी वासुदात्ता नागुं कि घियाण ,
मन ह्वेगे मोहित , चित्त ह्वेगे चंचल
वींकी ज्वानी मा कं उलार छौ
वींकी आंख्युं मा माया को रैबार छौ
समळीक मुखड़ी वींकी अर्जुन घड्याण बिसे गे
कसु कैकु जौलू मै तै नागलोक मा
तैं नागलोक मा होला नाग डसीला
मुखड़ी का हँसीला होलापेट का गसीला
मद पेंदा हठी होलासिंगू वाल़ा खाडू
मरखोड्या भैसा होला मै मारणु आला
लोहा कि साबळी होली लाल बणाइ
चमकादी तलवार होली उंकी पैळयाँयीं
नागूं की चौकी बाड़ होलो पैरा
कसु कैकु जौलू मैं तै नागलोक मा
कमर कसदो अर्जुन तब उसकारो भरदो ,
अर्जुन तब सुसकारो भरदो
मैन मरण बचण नागलोक जाण
रात को बगत छयो , दुरपदा सेइं छयी
वैन कुछ ना बोले चाल्यो , चल दिने नागलोक
मद्पेंदा हाती वैन चौखाळी चीरेन
लुवा की साबळी नंगून तोड़ीन
तब गै अर्जुन वासुदत्ता का पास
घाम से घामपूनो जसो चाम
नौणीवालो नाम , जीरी वल़ो पिंड
सुवर्ण तरूणी छे , चंदन की लता
पाई पतन्याळीआंखी रतन्याळी
हीरा की सी जोत , ज़ोन सी उदोत
तब गै अर्जुन सोना रूप बणी
वासुदत्ता वो उठैकी बैठाए अर्जुन
वींको मन मोहित ह्व़े ग्याई
तब वीन जाण नी दिने घर वो
तू होलो मेरो जीवन संगाती
तू होलो भौंर मै होलू गुलाबो फूल
तू होलो पाणी मै होलू माछी
तू मेरो पराण छईत्वे मि जाण  देऊँ
तब तखी रै गे अर्जुन कै दिन तै
जैन्तिवार मा दुरपदा की निंद खुले ,
अर्जुन की सेज देखे वीन कख गये होला नाथ
जांदी दुरपदा कोंती मात का पास
हे सासू रौल तुमन अपण बेटा बि देखे
तब कोंती माता कनो सवाल दीन्दी
काली रूप धरे तीन भक्ष्याले
अब मैमू सची होणु आई गए
तब कड़ा बचन सुणीक दुर्पति
दणमण रोण लगी गे
तब जांदी दुरपदी बाणो कोठडी
बाण मुट्ठी बाण तुमन अर्जुन बि देखी
तब बाण बोदन , हम  सेयान छया
हमुन नी देखे , हमुन नी देखे
औंदा मनिखी पुछदी दुरपता
जांदा पंछियों तुमन अर्जुन बि देखे
रुंदी  बरडान्दी तब दुरपदी राणी
जिकुड़ी पर जना चीरा धरी ह्वान
तीन दिन ह्वेन वीन खाणो नी खायो
ल़ाणो नी लायो
तब आंदो अर्जुन का सगुनी कागा
तेरो स्वामी दुरपतिज्यूँदो  जागदो
नागलोक जायुं वासुदत्ता का पास
तब दुरपता को साँस एगी
पण वासुदत्ता  नौ सुणीक वा
फूल सी मुरझैगी डाळी सी अलसेगी
तिबारी रमकदों झामकदों
अर्जुन घर ऐगे

स्रोत्र : डा गोविन्द चातक
सन्दर्भ : डा शिवा नन्द नौटियाल

 This folk song is proof that the folk song creative had full knowledge (if not from any formal school)
of Ras /rapture creation.
               There are emotions as pleasure, dream, grief, anger, zeal, surprise, stunning, thrill, choking of voice, trembling, change of complexion, apprehension, envy, intoxication, fatigue, awe, depression, anxiety, delusion, illusion, agility, joy, agitation, arrogance 9here by Kunti) , dejection, eagerness, slumber, awakening, resolution, insanity, and deliberation of rapture of love (Shringar ras ke bahv) . In Shringar ras (rapture of love), there are all relevant emotions of Sambhog Shringar (Union) and Vipralambha (Separation)
                 In the same story, there is rapture of Chivalry (Veer ras0 and there is description of energy, optimism, absence of surprise, and there are emotions of rapture of Chivalry as zeal, anger, intoxication, recollection, , contentment, joy , violence, thrill too.
 The folk poetry creative had been wise enough to use figure of speeches very effectively.
             The phrase used in this song  are very strong to create the desired images.
 This is the reason that in Kumaun and Garhwal, Pando dance and song is very popular because there are very effective narration creating various emotions in one story as found in  Arjun-Vasudatta love story.

Copyright@ Bhishm Kukreti

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